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Old Wed Jun 21, 2006, 06:02am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally Posted by tjones1
So um, the White Sox's put an extreme beating on the Redbirds tonight....
The other Sox put a hurt on their opponent, too. Beat up on the Nats pretty good.

As far as historical matchups in the World Cup, I thought the Germany/Poland game gave a pretty interesting WWII rematch. Germany rolled over them. Again.

Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day. US has to beat Ghana, who destroyed the Czechs; and Italy has to beat the Czechs, who destroyed the US.

And getting even further off-off-topic, did you hear that some Pittsburgh residents have been making threatening and/or harassing phone calls to the 60+ year old lady who collided with Rothlisberger? How sick do you have to be to do that? Stupid.
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