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Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 01:22pm
BlueLawyer BlueLawyer is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 170


Our association has adopted the CCA Manual as our mechanics guide- are you using something different?

And I take it from your post that you are developing an entire amatuer umpire education curriculum- not just rules, which I am particularly interested in for this thread.

I'd like to take the opportunity to shamelessly plagerize at some point in the near future. I think we as an association owe it to our umpires, especially the new ones, to give them benchmarks by which they can judge their progress.

My recent fascination with the rules comes from my own realization that I blew a rule the other night in a game I was watching (evaluating) and from taking a different problem to my local rules Yoda who then proceeded to blow something very basic (not even what I was asking him about). Rules knowledge and application is a very perishable skill. My own informal system of study (a few OBR pages a week) seems to be inadequate.

Thanks, man.

Strikes and outs!
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