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Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 06:12pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
On this point, Garth, you could not be more right. And I know that there were AMLU guys behaving in precisely the opposite way from what you suggest. I also know that there are AMLU guys who behave in precisely the way you suggest- it is not a monolithic organization, as amply demonstrated by the one third of AMLU membership who voted against the contract.

This is by far one of the most intelligent posts on this subject, and a point I should have been making all along. Whether or not the replacements were just as good or better is irrelevant at this point. What matters now is how does the AMLU go forward. I'm guessing that relationship is not going to be fostered with the kind of "we're better" rhetoric going both ways.

Strikes and outs!

Throughout this ordeal I have always distinguished between the AMLU and MiLB umpires. I have always sided with the umpires. The umpires, in my opinion, have been "right". But the AMLU, again, in my opinon, has very often been "wrong."

The AMLU, although, as you say, not monolithic, will, as most "unions", be perceived as having the personality of it's most outspoken and zealous "leaders".

Hopefully, some reasonable, foward thinking and intelligent members will step up to the plate.
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