Originally Posted by M&M Guy
What's baseball?
Right on. Real men watch all those furriners in their funny shorts and knee socks running around in circles, falling down and grabbing their heart and dying, and then making a miraculous recovery from their death to finish the game. And the game always ends up either nil-nil or 1-nil(what's a nil?

). The rules don't allow any other scores. And if someone makes a mistake and does score, that player has to run around the field three times with his arms waving, then fall on his face and all his teammates pile on and get to screw him doggy-style. That's a rule too, I think. And when the game's over, the players on both teams display their sportsmanship by kicking the sh!t out of the officials, who try to defend themseves by the swords that they got hidden in their flags. Meanwhile, the supporters of the losing team are rioting, followed shortly by the supporters of the winning team also rioting. And after the stadium is burned to the ground, they all go drink beer somewhere and sing nursery rhymes.
Yup, real men like yourself watch
futbol....or NHL hockey.