Thread: Leather Luster
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Old Sun Jun 18, 2006, 08:34am
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
As an umpire and UIC, I do not get impressed with shoes and belts treated with this product. It's fine and dandy if you are marching in a parade or putting on a show for someone. As an umpire, it doesn't improve you performance and, if anything, only draws attention to you and that is not an umpire's purpose on the field.

Give me a good, clean polished shoe and you're fine.
I understand that. They reason I do like them is that they are SO easy to clean. Spray them with water, dry them, wear them onto the field. Regular leather shoes take a lot more to keep looking cleaned.

What I have been doing with my regular shoes is to put a really good coat of polish on them a couple of times a month. This takes a couple of hours. Then, in between games, I'll clean them with water, wipe them down with armor-all, then dry & buff them. They do look good, but we're talking about more time & effort on my part. So, when patent leather or leather lustered shoes are acceptable, I'll use them.
Steve M
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