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Old Mon Aug 21, 2000, 09:46pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785

Originally posted by Carl Childress:
I cannot figure it out.

The eUmpire Forum is the fastest loading, quickest responding Bulletin Board on baseball anywhere on the Internet. Whichever Board is in second place is far, far behind.

Yet we cannot seem to generate any discussions here.

Eteamz is filled with information, but it's mostly for Little League "volunteer" umpires. Does that say that the majority of baseball officials on the Intnernet are affiliated with Little League?

The URC has more than its share of non-LL officials, but it is a trifle ponderous compared to eUmpire Forum.

McGriff's has plenty of action, though it too, is LL driven right now because of the playoffs. Still, McGriff's is a totally unmonitored Board and about 1/3 of its messages (or more) are by anonymous "members," and probably half of the posts would be pulled automatically from here.

The eReferee Forum is rockin'. The eumpire Forum is like the front seat of my father's car on my first date: Nothing's happening.



Apologies from me for not being too lively, but as you know, I'm traveling constantly right now. But here's an idea: start posting an OBR play of the day and gauge responsiveness from that.

Right now there's not much to say because very few people are calling.

I'm here, I'm ready to join you. I just have very little to say myself right now....

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