Thread: hit by pitch
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Old Sat Jun 17, 2006, 07:43pm
Dave Hensley Dave Hensley is offline
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Originally Posted by NIump50
Not sure getting hit in the back is so silly.
99% of the batters are taught to turn inside and take the pitch in the back.
Much better than trying to back out and getting hit in the ribs or the arm.

If I get any movement at all, even a flinch, I give the base. If they stand still on a curve ball, no base, if they were wanting to swing, they would have movement. A batter who stands like a statue and lets a curve ball hit him had no intention of ever swinging and every intention of getting hit. no base!!!!
Perhaps it's just a matter of degree, but I find many of the comments from different people to be saying essentially the same thing with respect to curveballs, and I kind of differ in philosophy. I'm not going to hold a batter to any more stringent standard for reacting to a curveball than any other pitch. Batters have to know how to hit a curveball, and bailing out before it breaks is decidedly NOT a part of that training. Batters should have a right to stay in and ready to hit a curveball, and if it doesn't break enough or at all and hits the batter, as long as he hasn't leaned into it or stuck a chicken wing out there to get hit intentionally, then that's the pitcher's bad, not the hitter's.

I think the NCAA has the right idea with this rule. The strikezone belongs to the pitcher and the batter's box belongs to the batter. If you throw in the batter's box and hit the batter, he should get 1B.
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