Thread: plate mechanic
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Old Fri Jun 16, 2006, 05:09pm
Always Wright Always Wright is offline
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I agree whole heartedly with T. I have heard many of the big league umps announcing the location of a ball. I have been doing it for several years now without a problem. I joined a new association a couple of years ago (I have been umpiring 26 years) and went to one of their training sessions. When going to the pitching machine station, the instructor stated emphatically that you should never give the location of a pitch when calling it a ball. When one of the other newbies asked if he should answer a coach if the coach asked him where the pitch was, the instructor told him sure, as long as it's done politely and not on every pitch. When I then asked why not say it on the pitch and avoid the question, I was not given any logical explanation. In my experience, it has greatly reduced the amount of conversation that takes place between me, the pitcher, the catcher, and the coach. Those that choose to argue after I make the call were going to argue anyway.

Chris Wright
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