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Old Fri Jun 16, 2006, 04:52pm
UMP25 UMP25 is offline
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Originally Posted by 3appleshigh
For reference Ump25, I simply said it comes into play, not that it has to be or should be called, now you need to determine if the throw was simply used to DELAY the GAME. I doubt it would ever be that. Therefore most likely a "play on".

The rules say you must step toward and throw to the BASE. At first you Must complete the action, all other bases don't require this so the Feint to the base is action A, the throw is a subsequent action. At First you must step and throw to the BASE. In my area a Step and reach from the base is OK, but that is the leeway allowed.

The pitcher, while touching his plate, fails to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base. -- Doesn't say toward a fielder 25 feet from a base. Now remember at all other bases you can Feint a throw, and therefore do not have to THROW to the BASE. At First YOU MUST STEP AND THROW TO THE BASE.
I think you're getting a bit too worked up by "what the rule book says." Remember, what the actual words say is not as clear as what official interps. say. The latter often clear up ambiguities and other things that are often vague. For example, this whole concept of throwing to F3 who is making a legitimate attempt to retire R1 isn't even in the book.
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