Originally Posted by CoachJM
Because of one particular personal experience, I have done a fair amount of research into the question you ask.
I can tell you the following:
1. If you are playing under OBR rules, ALL legal first baseman's mitts/gloves are legal for the catcher to use. (JEA supports this assertion, while J/R does not. I am not sure what the J/R rationale is.)
2. If you are playing under FED rules, it is also legal for the catcher to use a first baseman's mitt/glove.
3. If you are playing under "official" LL rules, it is NOT legal for a catcher to use a first baseman's mitt/glove. The catcher MUST use a "catcher's mitt", although no specific criteria are offered by which one could determine whether the "thing" on the catcher's "catching hand" was legal or not. By my read, what a hockey goalie wears on his "catching hand" would be legal under the LL rules.
As an unrelated point of information, no catcher who has ever caught for a team I have coached has ever played catcher while not equipped with what anyone would consider a legal catcher's mitt.
The game I was doing was LL, so I guess I told them to change it with just cause in the rulebook. I'm so lost on so many LL rules, I try to keep up but with FED and OBR, my brain can only switch modes so many times.
Now I know one more thing about the world of the tiny tots, thanks.