Game Forfieted...
I had to forfiet the game I was scheduled to work today because one team only had 7 players. I asked the coach if anybody else was coming, and he said no. I called both managers to me, and notified them that this was a forfeit. I collected my game fees (pretty easy money I may add), and then was asked to stick around by one of the managers, because they were going to play anyway. They decided to pull a few kids out of the stands to play with them. I informed them that I would not do the game, since it was a forfeit. I pointed out 3 reasons why... the first being liability (what if a kid gets hurt), the second being association rules, and the third being the assignor would not be pleased with the league or myself.
I tried to be really nice, but it was clear this pissed both coaches off. As I was leaving the field, I noticed they started to play their scrimmage.
So here's my question... did I clear myself of liability from what went on during that scrimmage? If something happened, could I be in trouble for seeing a game go on that was not supervised by an umpire?
And did I do anything wrong? Never had to go through this situation before, just wanted to hear critisms or ideas.