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Old Thu Jun 15, 2006, 04:09pm
HawkeyeCubP HawkeyeCubP is offline
(Something hilarious)
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: These United States
Posts: 1,162

Not trying to get myself berated here - but this is similar to the verbal obstruction/disconcertion/USC thread I started last week.

What Hoosier is getting at is that literally everything you could drum up as far as being possible USC in NFHS football (and basketball) is usually specifically addressed either in the Rule Book, the Case Book, or, as things come up, in the Points of Emphasis and Rule Changes from year to year, and if not specifically addressed, can be easily fit into the constraints of something that is defined or described in said sections as USC, flagrant misconduct, etc. And not to desparage ASA (I love it, and it sounds like what the powers that be are in the process of doing is going to be great, in terms of changing and revising the rule book) these are things that are largely currently lacking in the ASA Rule and Case Book.

(This is me cringing as I await the responses from the strongly "anti-specifying" posters.)

Understand, also, that I only work ASA slow pitch, so I am admittedly uneducated on what NFHS softball policies and rules are, other than what I learn here. And perhaps that is why ASA operates the way it does, and doesn't put out a case book every year, etc.

[Aside: That being said, in my lowly opinion, I have to say that the ASA Rule Book and ASA Umpire Tests are, by far, and unfortunately, the worst among themselves and their NFHS football and basketball counterparts, especially in terms of mispelling (test), grammar (test), index referencing (rule book), and outdated material (rule book) (and the Case Book leaves a lot to be desired as well, in terms of being far too brief in certain areas). I suppose that is a topic for another thread, however. Just FYI, I feel bad even typing that. Not sure why.]

Last edited by HawkeyeCubP; Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 04:12pm.
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