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Old Wed Jun 14, 2006, 10:16am
IREFU2 IREFU2 is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
There has to be a point where you tell the coaches they cannot question every call.

To All:

I did not mean to convey they were questioning every call - I was kind of patting myself on the back that they seemed satisfied by the answers I gave when I was questioned. I was trying to convey that this particular game challenged my game management skills more than any others this summer.

But all of your points are well taken!

Any other comments on the timing issue?

Accourding to the NFHS rules, the throw-in ends once the ball is touched by any other than the person throwing it in. So once the ball hit the defender, the clock should have been started, then stopped once it went out of bounds. See R5 Section 9 Art 4. Depending on how long it took for all of this to happen, time should have ticked off the clock.
Score the Basket!!!!
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