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Old Fri Jan 04, 2002, 05:43pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: I depends on the conference or the school, but.....

[QUOTE]Originally posted by bob jenkins

I'm not sure that's true, Jeff.

(Chicago Suburb's; typical rates; note that Illinois plays the Soph game as the Prelim game)

Old Way: 2 Soph Officials @ $38 = $76
2 Varsity Officials @ $48 = $96
$76 + $96 = $172

New Way: 3 Officials @ $70 = $210

Even if you meant 2 soph plus 3 varisty, that comes to $220 -- not a big cut, and they did increase the fees for the frosh double headers a lot, so the total item for "officiating fees" probably went up.

I am really not talking about the Chicago area. I do not know many Chicago area conferences that have you do both games.

I have done games outside the Chicago area as high as $65 for two games with 3 Officials. That is $195. I might add, sometimes you are lucky to get that.

Now if they pay, $30 for two officials at $60 for the JV game. And they you pay the varsity officials $45 for 3 officials at $195, you have the same price.

But the problem is, you might not get any school (downstate) to pay $45 at all. You might be lucky if you only get $40. And I have done JV games for $25 dollars several times.

These prices are what it used to be. And now I get about $60 for 3 officials and that is $180 for that school for 2 games. Now that is not costing that much money.
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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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