Originally Posted by PWL
Yeah, if the ball doesn't hit the bat. How many times have you seen a pitch go over a batters head and hit his bat. He didn't offer or swing, but it is still a strike nonetheless.
Sure, it's a strike. It just can't be strike three. If it happens as you've described 5 times in a row the most you will have is two strikes
Originally Posted by PWL
So in actually in what your saying, if a batter squared and stands still and motionless, doesn't offer at the ball, and the ball hits any part of his bat with two strikes, we have a foul ball. Very interesting.
Pretty much that's exactly what I'm saying. You have to judge that the batter offered at the pitch. If he just holds the bat out over the plate without making any attempt to strike at the ball and the ball hits the bat and goes foul, that's all it is. A foul ball, and no more than strike two.