Mon Jun 12, 2006, 11:33pm
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Yes, that is what I meant. Thank you. As I stated before, turning left after overrunning the base is not an attempt as long as the runner makes no bluff toward 2nd and returns to the base immediately.
What I was referring to, Garth, was a phenomenon usually associated with Little League Majors and Minors, of which I realize you have never worked or watched a game in your entire life . That is when a batter walks, he sprints to 1st base, and then he turns and takes a few quick steps toward 2nd in order to draw a throw from the catcher or pitcher before the pitcher can get on the rubber and the catcher in his box. They do this ad nauseum, in fact on nearly every base on balls. Kids...go figure!
Even if the pitcher and catcher are in position the runner can keep going.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong