Originally Posted by tcblue13
LBR applies to all baserunners
Why isn't catching the ball in flight off the bat receiving the ball in the circle?
You might interpret the act of catching the ball as making a play on the runner but you will never sell that to a coach.
I am thinking that this is one of those situations that rule writers did not account for.
Consequently one blue might apply LBR to the runner and ring her up and another might see the tag up as continuous action to second base.
I would be anxious to read what IM, AUS, and WMB say about the different rulesets.
I am amazed that she went to second with the ball in the circle.
I hope that my confusion does not stem from having only a 2002 ASA book in front of me, but it says that the rule is in effect when "the pitcher has possession and control of the ball within the pitcher's circle," so I would think that means as soon as she caught it. If tagging up and then advancing to 2B is considered one act that is "immediately attempting to advance" as opposed to "stop[ping] on a base for any reason," then I guess that is the answer. Is there a consensus on that question?