Could you be more specific about the Walk.
Was it a Walk on 4 pitched Balls, or an Issued Walk ?
In some leagues, NFHS included, when you issue a Walk (elect to not pitch to the batter), the ball becomes dead. Hence, throwing to 1st is a no call, and can be considered a delay of game, if the ball isn't back to the pitcher when the next batter is ready.
With respect to the NFHS Mercy Rule:
4-2-2:...By state association adoption, the game shall end when the visiting team is behind 10 or more runs after 4 1/2 innings, or after the fifth inning, if either team is 10 runs behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat.
Have Great Games !
Last edited by nickrego; Mon Jun 12, 2006 at 01:09am.