Originally posted by bigwhistle
Changing the subject just a bit........since you have now had a smattering of HS, men's NCAA and womens's NCAA all in the same year, do you ever have problems differentiating between the different mechanics and rules from night to night?
This can be a problem....what do you do (above and beyond a good pregame) to make sure that you are in the right mode for the evening?
Not really. I only have about 8 games that are college this year. I still had scheduled about 50 HS games so it really is not that hard. The rules are really not that difficult to understand from one level to another. And I have not had any Ts or any really unusual things happen yet at the college level so there has been no rules applications that I would have a problem with. And mechanically, Men's NCAA and NF do things almost the same. Women's NCAA does things so differently as it relates to coverage and things like that, that when I do a Women's game, I do alot of reading the night and the day before the game.
It really is not that hard at all. You just have to spend time trying to understand the differences. Once you understand them, moving back and forth is like driving a car one day, and driving an SUV the other day. If you have done both, it is like riding a bike to a certain extent.