Originally Posted by PABlue
I BLEW it!!!! I SAW it, I CALLED it and I SOLD it and BOTH coaches belived it!!!!!!! I guess its a good thing I can sell a call,only it's now very embarrasing to have to tell the coachs that I BLEW the call. At least it didn't make a difference in the game. In the first play while I was calling foul F3 picked up the ball and stepped on first. On the next pitch the hitter struck out. Third out in both cases. I hate it when I do something like that.
A couple years ago I was doing a 15 yr old game with the orange safety base.
hard grounder down 1st base line hits the top corner of the white bag and goes into foul ground down the right field line.
yell "FAAiir" catching myself about halfway into my brain fart call.
everyone stops, runner stops, casually walks back to the plate. I'm looking around no one is reacting at all. Everyone assumed I called foul and no one argued. Of course I continued on like I called foul as well.
I said everyone, not quite, as I hand a new ball to the catcher the batter, quietly and politely says as he steps back into the box "Didn't that hit the base blue"? Yea it did son, the orange one. "oh ok"
That's one mechanic I don't have to worry about messing up again.
Screwing up a call and then learning from it is a far better teacher than any case book sitch you read about because there is an emotion tied to the experience that makes it tough to forget, as Wsttex said, you tend to remember your screwups.
If that's the worst call you make this summer so be it.
And I agree with Lman
Let a sleeping dog sleep.