Good sitch for OBR, maybe not so for FED.
R1 has not violated the FPSR, as I read your sitch (but then I dont know how far 'off the bag' F4 was pulled). He can slide in a line, or not alter the play....only two choices. He has not altered the play in any way here (standing on 2B while F4 juggles the ball), unless you judge that F4 was hindered in throwing by R1's coming into 2B standing. "Touching" F4 is irrelevant, and everyone knows that.
But if F4 had control, but double-clutched because R1 came in standing (ie, was in the throwing lane, in F4's face, but didnt touch him), and then throws late and into DBT.... Ive got 2 outs in FED, and every offensive coach knows that. Its mandatory to take 2 in FED for this - fair? most likely not, but FED runners have got to know to slide or get the hell out of the way in a FPSR sitch, thats just the way it is. There are plenty of rules that seem to 'reward' one side over the other....