Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Sometimes I am amazed at the battles I must fight.
1) I wasn't implying that Luciano wasn't THE credible source. Read it again.
As has happened before, your post was not entirely clear to me...that's why I put my response to your prior post in the form of a
question...I did not state that you were referring to Mr. Luciano, I was asking if you were (please note the use of a question mark in my prior post)...then I just noted that others have questioned Mr. Luciano's credibility, too.
I certainly was not trying to start a "battle" over this. You know, everytime I respond to one of your posts...its not to start a diatribe against you...sometimes I do post to agree with you.
As for your statement about hijacking this (or any) thread (whomever you are talking to): Can you say, "Hi Mr. Kettle, I'm Mr. Pot".