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Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:04pm
celebur celebur is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 283
The SPN rulebook is available online at:

I don't know ASA other than what I observe by lurking here, but some quirks about SPN include:

Commitment Line:
-is not used in all categories of play, but when it is:
-the runner is committed home once he/she touches the line or any ground beyond the line (in Softball Canada, the runner must touch down with one foot entirely beyond the line to be committed).
-once committed, the runner may not return to 3B for any reason (in Softball Canada, the runner may return to tag up on a caught fly ball or for a missed base).

Scoring Line:
-is used whenever the commitment line is used, in which case touching home plate is an automatic out regardless of whether there was a play. Sliding at the scoring line is also not allowed.

Pitching Zone:
-is a zone 2' wide x 15' long starting at 50' from home (and extending out to 65'); pitcher may pitch with one foot firmly planted anywhere within this zone (there is no pitching rubber).
-note that the pitching arc is 6' to 12' (same as for Softball Canada and, I believe, ASA), but many leagues around here override this with either 6'-15' or 6'-unlimited.

Double 1B:
-no allowance for fielder and batter-runner to switch colours even if the play is from foul territory (i.e. F must always use the fair portion; BR must use foul portion on first attempt if played on).

I'm sure there are other little differences, but this is all I have from memory.
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