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7.09(f) It is interference by a batter or a runner when any batter or runner who has just been put out hinders or impedes any following play being made on a runner. Such runner shall be declared out for the interference of his teammate.
Official Notes - Case Book - Comments: If the batter or a runner continues to advance after he has been put out, he shall not by that act alone be considered as confusing, hindering or impeding the fielders.
Professional Interpretation: The runner should be declared out if he deviates from a direct line to the base and subsequently interferes with the fielder making or completing any play. Traditionally, runners are allowed to contact or collide with the defensive player at second just as they are on plays at home plate. However, different guidelines exist: (1) The runner may divert his path in order to crash the pivot man but he must be able to reach the base with some part of his body; (2) The roll block is illegal. The runner must not leave the ground and contact the fielder. If; however, he hits the ground first, he is allowed to crash into the pivot man provided he does so at the base; and (3) The runner may slide through and beyond the base toward left field and be unable to reach the base provided that he does not do so in order to contact the fielder who has retreated to this position off the base to complete the play. In that event, the previous guideline is in effect and the runner must be able to reach the base with some part of his body. The American League regulations offer the following guidelines: A runner, who in the opinion of the umpire contacts or attempts to make contact with a fielder with a slide or roll block that is not a bona fide effort to reach and stay on a base, may be called out for interference and when appropriate a double play may be called. Any definite change in direction by the runner to contact the fielder would be considered interference. If a runner hits the dirt, slides and rolls, it does not constitute a rolling block unless he leaves the ground and makes contact with the fielder before he slides on the ground. If the initial contact is with the fielder instead of the ground for the purpose of breaking up a double play, it is a rolling block. The above are merely guidelines for the umpires in making their judgment calls.