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Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 05:15pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by tcblue13
When a batter hits the ball are we supposed to look down at her feet at that instant?

I am not trying to be funny or a smart aleck but I am trying to figure out how to see this as the PU. I posted a thread on this last week referring to getting help from the BU and everybody poo pooed that idea. But when I am in the slot and I am focused on pitch location and then following the batted ball, removing the mask (with my left hand) and getting into position for a possible call, I don't know when to look at a batter's feet. Please help.
Check my emphasis added to your message.

This is exactly where your focus should be. That means that you are seeing the battter's feet with your periphial vision (the corner of your eye). You better be d*a*m*n sure that the batter's foot is on the ground outside of the box prior to contact.

I do recall a HS game a few years ago where I called one of the slappers for being out of the box. She was facing a pitcher that was not good and had very little speed. The slapper would start her run in the box, but because the ball was coming so slow, it threw her timing off and she ran literally two steps in front of the box before she hit the ball. Easy call.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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