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Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 02:01pm
BlueLawyer BlueLawyer is offline
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Rules Quotes


Thanks for the references to the rules.

I would reiterate, again, that nowhere in any of the quoted rules or interpretations is a distance from second mentioned as a magic line for determining interference.

And there does appear to be some discrepancy between the NCAA and FED rules, at least as far as interpretation. There is no nifty gray horseshoe around second for the fielder in the FED book. Also, the FED book defines a legal slide, in part, as taking place so that a hand or a foot is within reach of the base. No such definition in the NCAA book. So, no sliding 44 feet from the bag in a high school game unless your name is Jolly. As in Green Giant.

Also, the NCAA book clearly states "The intent of the force-play-slide rule is to ensure the safety of the defensive player." No such statement of intent in the FED book, although I happen to agree that is the intent of the rule.

So now we are left with peeling off. If I think (and I do) that the FPSR is in the book to protect the defensive player(s), how does getting a double play on the kid who is still running, quite legally, between bases, advance that worthy goal? How does doubling up the BR whose teammate just got plunked in the thigh 6 feet from the bag advance that goal? I submit that it doesn't.

RTGDR. Which, loosely translated, means "Read the gosh dang rule." Its close corallary is "DRAITGDRTIP"- "Don't read anymore into the gosh dang rule than is printed."

Strikes and outs!
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