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Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 01:51pm
grizwald grizwald is offline
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Originally Posted by SamIAm
The clock was not started until B2 (? Probably A2) steals the ball. Then you say B wins by one. (Don't you mean A wins by one).
Yes I meant A wins by one, that was the original call by the ref (sorry about the confusion). And yes A2 makes the steal. (It's kind of hard to keep all this straight, again I'm sorry.) I have edited my original post with these corrections in order to not confuse future readers of this thread.

However they changed it to a do-over. On the do-over Team B keeps their original 2 pt lead and that is the final. On the do-over Team A doesn't get a shot off.

What would constitute definite knowledge for you guys?

Do you count in your head?

Watch to make sure the clock starts?

Both or something else.

If you didn't look at the clock to make sure it started, can you use your common sense to know that 2 seconds had to elapse or not?

Regarding Dan's assumption. I don't know for sure that time was chopped in, my eyes were following the basketball across the court and the inbounds wasn't touched until it was 30 feet from the official. But I think it is a safe assumption that the ref either chopped time in or definitely meant to chop time in because they never had a whistle the whole time and one official (after briefly discussing things with the other official) originally signaled a successful three point basket. (And there really was no controversy that she had released the ball before the buzzer - there was much controversy over the fact that the clock wasn't started until after Team A regained control of the ball.)

And to Team A's credit, while they were jumping up and down thinking they might have won the game. The coach really didn't complain about the replay of the final 1.4 seconds or the fact that his team ultimately lost the game. He just smiled and shook Coach B's hand - he knew time should have elapsed and like I said the stakes weren't high for this one.

Last edited by grizwald; Mon Jun 05, 2006 at 02:36pm.
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