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Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 01:34am
LDUB LDUB is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
Do we all agree that a runner is never forced to slide? The FED commentary says exactly that. Then it says if he does slide, he must do so legally. That seems simple enough to me.
That is correct.

Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
Forgive me for saying this, but those of you who are saying that R1 doesn't have to slide but if F4 or F6 beans him, his batter is out, are saying the same thing. "You don't have to slide. But if you don't, and the defense plunks you, you AND your batter are out." That's saying you have to slide, which stands the whole "a runner is never forced to slide" thing on its head.
On a force play the runner has two options: Slide legally, or attempt to avoid the play. Notice how he is not required to slide, he has two options to choose from. If the runner does not slide then he must attempt to avoid the play. If the runner does not slide and makes contact with the fielder or alters the play it is interference.

Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
What happens if he peels off 45 feet from second and is standing in the right field grass when F6 plunks him? Is his BR still out?

Sounds like there is a penalty for not sliding- i.e., he's forced to slide.
R1 is attempting to avoid the play, there is no interference. Remember, there is no penalty for not sliding. There is a penalty for not sliding, not attempting to avoid the play and altering the play.
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