Thread: it's over
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Old Sun Jun 04, 2006, 10:50am
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by BenedictArnold
And the blowing comment (which has now been changed to something more appropriate) was in reference to the comment that an A ball guy can't even carry his mask out to the plate for him
Well, that was my comment, not his. I never worked as a replacement umpire, so I don't see the need for such a comment.

I have worked with minor league umpires on amateur games over the years, and in fact have given advice and tips to some of them. I stand by my comment, as I have rarely been overly impressed by them. I worked with one guy who had such a chip on his shoulder that he couldn't make it out of any high school games without running someone. He had the shortest fuse I'd ever seen. He brought his "us against the rats" philosophy with him to the amateur level, and it just doesn't work well.

You can stay upset at the replacement umpires, and work yourself an ulcer over it, or you can move past it, quit the childish countdown, and chalk it up to life's experiences. You guys screwed up by striking, blamed people for doing the job you wouldn't do even though you agreed to the terms at one time, and now you don't want to admit you screwed up. It is time to just take your lumps and get on with your "umpiring career."
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25