Originally Posted by David B
I might have missed it but I can't find it in the rules/interpretations to call out the runner if he doesn't interfere with the play with intent.
The bottom line for interference in FED is intent. FPSR was put in the book to protect the F6 or F4, not the runner.
8-4-1h says
any runner or retired runner interferes (2-21-1, 2-30-3) in a way which obviously hinders an obvious DP
2-21-1 says
Offensive interference is an act (physical or verbal) by the team at bat:
a. which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play.
1. Nothing in the rule infers intent.
2. If F4 has to change his throwing motion to avoid R1 then it's not a stretch to say he was impeded, hindered or obstructed. I think they use all these words to get the point accross.
NFHS under points of emphasis
FORCE PLAY SLIDE RULE vs RUNNER INTERFERENCE: Simply stated, the runner never has to slide. However, on a force play when he does slide, it must be legal and in direct line between the two bases. A runner may slide or run in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact
or altering the play of the fielder. .... (my bold)
All of these rules are very consistent
R1 can't make F4 alter or change his throwing motion by coming into the base standing up.
What part of this is so difficult to understand?