There is no provision in the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken rulebook that allows for a batter to be waved to first. They have to receive 4 pitches out of the strike zone.
There in no direct rule refference that mentions a batter-runner may overrun first base on a base on balls award, but as BR/CR plays under modified OBR you could use the MLBUM referrence.
NOTE: The batter-runner is not prohibited from overrunning first base on a base on balls (i.e., the batter-runner may overrun first base on a base on balls and is not in jeopardy of being put out provided he returns immediately to first base). (See Official Baseball Rules 7.08(c)(EXCEPTION), 7.08(j)) and 7.10(c).)
Last edited by BigUmp56; Sun Jun 04, 2006 at 02:09pm.