Originally Posted by David B
Over 28 years of calling baseball and i dont' have one mention in my journal of a kid being hurt by a throw from f4 or f6 on the DP.
I agree. Not only that, but I can't even count the number of injuries I've seen from sliding at second on a DP- getting stepped on, jamming the base, colliding with the fielder, INJURING THE FIELDER- we've all seen it.
Going in standing up isn't smart, but is isn't illegal either. We've all been taught the 'illegal' versions- waving arms, running at the fielder who is off the line, sliding at the fielder off the bag.
I think it would be MORE dangerous to implement a 'MUST SLIDE' rule on a DP- plus, what happens if the ball goes through? Or gets airmailed past the fielder on 2nd? R1 has to slide anyway? R1 has to assume that the play at 2 will be clean?
No way.