Summary of 2006 OBR Rule Changes
I've compiled a summary of the changes in OBR. I've left out the administrative changes, those minor changes that clean up old wording, and stuff that doesn't apply to amateur ball played under OBR. Text that's highlighted in red indicates stuff that was deleted from the old OBR, while yellow highlighted text indicates changes/additions. Where you see "Editor's Note" indicates my own personal comments on what was changed or why.
Thanks go to Bob Jenkins here for his input, as well as Mr. Roder, who answered a couple questions I had, and for MLB # 45 for his explanations as well.
I can't attach it here because it keeps telling me it's 94.2 kb too big (and editing it, reformatting it, etc., hasn't helped), so if anyone wants a copy of this, let me know to where I can Email it.