Originally Posted by andrewm
Hmm. With that kind of pitch count at 8, you'll be lucky if he's still able to throw in high school.
Let's do the math:
13 Ks - min of 39 pitches (assume 3 pitches per K)
5 BB - min of 20 pitches (assume 4 pitches per BB)
That's a minimum of 59 pitches. Probably closer to 75 pitches, not including the E2 or FC. His actual pitch count was likely approaching 85-90 pitches, if not more.
When my son starting pitching at 9, all the research I did suggested pitch counts in the 30-40 range for that age.
My son is 12 now, and our BEST pitcher averages 15 pitches per inning. So that's 75 in 5 innings.
Just some FYI.
Game was suspended and completed a week later. He had plenty of rest.
You ought to see the wicked curve ball he can throw!
THAT WAS A JOKE! Don't start bashing me with "kids shouldn't throw curves" comments!