Originally Posted by CecilOne
I have a water bottle belt designed for joggers. I can hang it over a fence post or buckle it into a chain-link and generally keep it on the out-of-play side, but near me. It also has 2 side pockets where I can keep my keys, spare indicator, spare pen, etc.
Now, that's a good idea...
I have a half gallon insulated water bottle with a nylon cover and carrying strap that I take to games. I'll put it outside the field if at all possible. If not, I'll look for a place on the fence where I can hang it so it hangs on the outside of the fence. If the fence is too high for that, I'll look for a place where it is reasonably out of play and protected by a fence post, gate, etc. to minimize the possiblity of a batted ball hitting it.
For an article on heat management, check the handouts page of
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