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Old Thu Jun 01, 2006, 05:25pm
RookieDude RookieDude is offline
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I haven't been trolling around these parts much during the "off-season"...but, I just have to respond to this thread.
Because I rarely get to DISAGREE with JR!

I remember a Varsity game I was doing when I first started out. The same sitch we are discussing happened (except a player requested the "TO after the made FT" per the coach). The FT was made...the other team took the ball and completed a throw-in. The player looked at me like he was hurt, that I didn't grant a TO. I heard the Coach asking him why he didn't request a TO like he had instructed him to do. He said he DID...then the coach looked at me like he was hurt.
After the game, the coach was very polite but he did ask me why I didn't grant that TO after the made FT. I told him he would have had to ask again "at the appropriate time". As I was saying it, I felt like an "irritant a$$hole" (or whatever Dan said)...the coach bought it...but, I made up my mind then, that if I was going to be an "irritant a$$hole", to save it for something a whole lot better than that situation.

BTW...maybe it is regional...but I see a lot of officials granting TO's after "mades" without any eye contact. In other words, without taking their eyes off the court. Maybe NFHS would fire us all...
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA

Last edited by RookieDude; Thu Jun 01, 2006 at 05:28pm.