Thank you very much for your help. We are only in the exploratory stages of seeing if this is feasible now and umpires are by far the greatest cost, so getting an estimate of that cost would help us determine the likelihood of the tournament occuring. I have only watched Big XII games and don't recall for certain, but I believe they used three man crews. Using two umpires would certainly help costwise, but I honestly don't know if that's acceptable at the highest level
. I obviously still need to do some research, but we are looking at 2008, so we still have some time.Any additional thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
I play lots of slowpitch myself and I know that the local ASA commissioner is also very involved with women's fastpitch so I'll probably get in touch with him for some more info soon. I really wanted to educate myself as much as possible before I met with someone in person. Thanks again!