Originally Posted by Nevadaref
I guess it could depend upon how you interpret it, but here's the NFHS rule quote:
5-8-3 . . . Grants a player's/head coach's oral or visual request for a time-out, such request being granted only when:
a. The ball is in control or at the disposal of a player of his/her team.
b. The ball is dead, unless replacement of a disqualified, or injured player(s), or a player directed to leave the game is pending, and a substitute(s) is available and required.
For me the key element in the above rule is the timing of the request by the player or head coach, not the granting by the official. This understanding is strongly supported by the following two casebook plays:
5.8.3 SITUATION D: A1 or A2 requests a time-out: (a) while airborne A1 is holding the ball; (b) while A1's throw-in is in flight toward A2; or (c) when the ball is on the floor at A1's disposal for a throw-in. RULING: The request is granted in (a) and (c), but denied in (b), as there is no player control while the ball is loose between players.
5.8.3 SITUATION F: A1's dribble is “interrupted” when the ball deflects off his/her shoe. A1 or a teammate asks or signals for a time-out as the ball bounces toward: (a) the sideline; or (b) the division line. RULING: The request cannot be granted in (a) or (b), since A1's dribble has been “interrupted” and the ball is loose. (4-15-6c)
For example, in the last play I wouldn't wait until a player of Team A controlled the ball and then belatedly grant the time-out request which A1 or his teammate made previously while the ball was loose and bouncing on the floor. I would need another time-out request which was made while a member of Team A had player control. Perhaps you would not do the same.
Although in the case play it does say the request shall be denied, we can infer that the request shall be denied at that time only to be granted at a later time. Where does it say a request that is made at the wrong time needs to be resubmitted?
FWIW, the relevant ncaa rule is under 5-9, which says:
Art. 3. Grants a player’s visual or oral request for a timeout, such request being granted when:
a. The ball is in control or at the disposal of a player of his or her team.
Exception 1: After the throw-in starts, no timeout shall be granted to the opponents of the throw-in team.
Exception 2: No timeout may be granted during an interrupted dribble.
b. The ball is dead.
c. A disqualified or injured player(s) has been replaced when a substitute(s) is available.
Art. 4. Grants a coach’s request for a timeout, such request being granted only when the coach’s team is in possession of the ball (this includes throwins and free throws) or when the ball is dead. The official must be certain the request was made by the head coach.
I don't see any related AR's.
FWIW2, when I can't grant a request per rule during a loose ball etc I do ask "still want it" when the the coach's team takes control of the ball. Often enough this is a gut reaction by the coach, or even a premediated attempt to get a TO when he knows it's not to be granted by rule. When a coach asks prematurely and conditionally for a TO (ie requests on the make when a shot/FT is in the air) I grant it without re-asking on the make. He's a big boy, I'm assuming he knows what he wants in this case.
As someone else said, it's just what I do. If you feel the need to do differently then do so.