Thread: too much
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Old Wed May 31, 2006, 06:18pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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too much

I am going to throw this out to the gang as a warning. If I ramble some, bear with me.
Most of us aren't 20 any more, so let's start acting & thinking with some maturity or at least with some common sense. We've got a love for this game and we make a few bucks - BUT not enough to take chances. I have a friend that worked a tournament this weekend in what was (for us Yankees) the first hot weekend of the year. I don't think he drank enough. I do know he was dumb enough to work all plate games on Saturday & Sunday - 2 on, 1 off - because he thought his partner was too inexperienced to handle the plate and he is a generous and caring guy. Monday morning, he was removed from an early game because he did not feel well. He was at a different complex, or I'd have kicked him squarely in the ***. Monday afternoon, being driven home, he had a stroke. Another ump & I had to take this dumb SOB to the hospital He's 53 and that's too damn young for the problems I suspect he will now deal with for the rest of his life. And that doesn't deal with the impact to his wife & kids - and the kids are grown & on their own and scattered across a wide area.

We've been over this before. Prepare to work these weekends. Drink - remember the military training that said "if you don't have to go, you need to drink." Eat right. Hit the gym - to lose some weight and tone up what's still there. And take one of these weekends off now & then.
Steve M
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