To expound a bit as this is a big difference between ASA and NFHS (High School) rules:
If BOO is appealed at end of Improper Batter’s (IB) time at bat and before next pitch etc. then…
In NFHS: the IB’s out or her existence on base goes “poof”. She is erased. But any other outs that were made on the IB’s turn at bat stand. Any other runners who advanced on the last pitch of the IB’s time at bat are returned to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. The batter who should have batted is out for BOO.
In ASA: all the outs made on the IB’s time at bat stand. If the IB is on base she goes “poof” but she is not an out. She is erased. All other runners return to the base occupied at the time of the last pitch of IB’s turn at bat. Just like NHFS, the batter who should have batted is out for BOO.
Example: R1 on 1B, no out. B3 bats in B2s turn. B3 hits ground ball to F6 who plays to F4 who relays to F3 to complete the double play. Def coach requests time and appeals BOO.
NFHS Ruling: B3 and her out are erased. R1’s out stands. B2 is declared out for BOO. Two outs. B3 bats again.
ASA Ruling: All outs on the time at bat stand, any advance (none in this case) would be nullified. B2 is declared out for BOO. Three outs. B3 is the proper batter in the next inning.
Reading the Little League Softball rule on BOO (6.07) I come away with the interpretation that they mimic ASA although it is worded differently. 6.07(b)2 says nullify any advance or score, but nowhere does it say to nullify any outs. More learned LL colleagues, what say you?
Anyone with answers on other flavors? NCAA?