Originally Posted by thunt
We just had a game last night and a player's ball lined straight over the pink safety bag on first base, not the regular first base bag, which I assumed then it was a fowl ball. The ump informed me that this year at his clinic 2006 they told him it is now in fair play territory. He let the fielder play the ball as fair and she stepped on one and then he proceeded to tell the batter she was out. I am inclined not to believe him. What is the correct answer?
I don't know if it is a "fowl" ball, but it was certainly a foul ball if it bounded by first base in foul (over the colored portion of the base) territory. The umpire was right about what clinics are teaching, just not in regard to which situation. The entire base is considered in fair territory once the runner has intially gained first base. In other words, the runner can run through the bag on the colored portion of the base, and return to the colored portion and be considered to be on base. Previously she had to return to the white side only.