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Old Wed May 31, 2006, 12:51am
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Originally Posted by Brad
BINGO. This "micro-dotting" of the rules is something that tends to get a lot of officials in trouble with coaches. Just because you are technically right doesn't mean that you are doing the right thing as far as common sense / game management is concerned.
I've never ever had a coach show even the slightest bit of irritation with me when I've said, "OK coach, I'll be looking at you to call it after this free throw." Not even once. I think most coaches know that it's pretty basic for us to give a T.O. when it's requested and not take reservations for a time-out like we're a restaurant hostess.

If that gets an official "in trouble with a coach," that's a coach issue not an officials issue. I'd love to see a coach send a letter in to an assignor saying, "he made me wait and request the time-out when I actually wanted it." LOL, bring it on.