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Old Tue May 30, 2006, 09:05pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Fashion Police

There is nothing wrong with the uniform rules. People will always push things to the max.

We make the kids tuck in their shirts, so what's wrong with telling them their headbands need to be color coordinated...

I am not sure I am a fan of the sweatband below the elbow rule but it will be easy to enforce.

If an official cant enfore a simple jersey requirement what other rules will they choose to ignore becuse it has nothing to do with basketball?

If there is a rule that differs from the NCAA or NBA simply tell the kid that when they get to the NBA they can do it there but even the NBA requires NO Tshirts (geeting a little loose) Tucking in the shirts, length of shorts etc so what's the big deal.

You get paid to enforce the rules.... when I evaluate the first thing that docks points is the blatant violations of the uniform rule...