Originally Posted by Brad
I think that allowing the coach to call a time-out is a good thing. How many times have we been standing next to the coach during a free throw at the end of a game and the coach says, "Ref, give me a time-out on the make." If the NFHS changed the rule, this would technically not be allowed.
Fine. Then allow coaches to request timeout during a dead ball, not a live ball. And yes, you require him to make the request at the proper time.
Originally Posted by Brad
I've gotten in the habit of making sure that I glance towards the bench during those game situations where we "know" that the team probably wants a time-out - i.e. when the other team goes on a run, or the team turns the ball over several times giving the other team momentum, etc. Many times as soon as I look over I see the coach requesting the time-out. Most times the players have not yet realized it yet and it would take extra effort on the coach's part to get his players' attention and have one of them call the time-out.
That's not the issue, Brad. I don't think anyone has a problem with those requests. The problem arises when they want a tiemout during a live ball, when they try to become part of the game on the floor. I'm speaking of situations where there's about to be a held ball, or A1 is trapped in the corner, or A2 is being pressured in the BC. In those situations, our focus has to be on the players on the floor, not somebody yelling "TIMEOUT!" behind us.
Those are the situations that concern those of us who don't like the rule. Like I said, make it available to them during dead balls only and it would be fine IMHO.