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Old Tue May 30, 2006, 01:45pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by Brad
Please - I really hope that you are kidding! What kind of game management is that? The coach makes the request, you acknowledge it, and give it to him if the free throw is made.
Brad, I'm going to agree to agree with the Jurassic One on this point. I have always asked the coach to give me the request again after the make. Otherwise, there are so many things being done wrong; the TO is requested during a dead ball, but granted only after the ball has become alive, then dead again. In basketball terms, that's a long time later, and certainly not the way the rule is written. Or, what if A is shooting the FT, and it's B's coach asking for the TO to set up his last-shot offense - are you in effect granting a TO while the other team has the ball? What if the coach changes his mind because something else happens, and you stop play even though the coach now doesn't want the TO?

Now, all that said, I agree it's good game management to acknowledge the coach, but I've always asked them to verify the request after the made FT. Most of the time, all the coach has to do is nod their head, and I grant the TO. Once they've made me aware they will want that TO, I'll be aware of that coach, and they won't have to yell or jump in front of me to call it. It just seems as though there are more things that could go wrong if you don't do things "by the book".
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.

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