Originally Posted by BigUmp56
So, I miss numbered the runners. That still doesn't address the possibility that they may have been initially prescribing to "string theory." It's entirely possible for F5 to be playing in and the BU, if in C position, was struck near that imaginary line.
It isn't that you misnumbered the runners, it's that you misplaced them. If they were working 3-man, with 1st and 2nd, U1 would be at short A, and U3 at short (normal) C, correct? With 1st and 3rd, U3 would be in deep C, and could very likely be behind that imaginary line, do you follow me here? With 1st and 2nd, no matter how far in F5 plays, he should still be behind U3 in a normal C position, which is where he should be, in order to cover a steal attempt of 3rd.
Either way though, I think the "string theory" angle is a bit of a stretch.