Originally Posted by LMan
Does that mean they know the rules any more comprehensively than the average fan?
No, my point was that in many sports former players turn to broadcasting. But someone who calls 150+ baseball games on TV in a year is going to get better at doing it, going to get better at knowing the rules etc. How many softball games do Pam and Sheri broadcast a year? Not that announcers in major league sports don’t say things that make officials in those sports cringe, I think it just doesn’t happen as often after they have spent a lot of time behind the mic and in front of the camera. Just like with us on the field!
I’d rather have TV coverage with announcers who would not make good umpires, than TV coverage with umpires who do would not make good announcers. Or no TV at all! How long has softball been covered on TV? Not many years. Let’s hope it keeps growing.
P.S. Of
course the tie goes to the umpire Mike, that's why they pay us!