Originally Posted by Chess Ref
In the first game of the day ,2nd of series, maybe 2nd inning Tenn. 3rd baseman overthrew the F3 and it hit the tarp , then a spectator and they apparently played on with the Michigan player ending on 3rd. Are the rules different in NCAA cause I thought it was 2 bases from the time of the throw which would have put the BR at 2nd base.
I saw that play too, I thought the umpires kicked it (or maybe they got it right and once again the announcers kicked it) but the net result was correct in my opinion. I thought the fielder bobbled the ball and should have eaten the throw because the runner was there already . . . I'd love to see it again but the ball clearly went into dead-ball territory and should have been killed. It is 2 bases from the time of the throw - the question (which I'm not TOTALLY positive) is whether she had already touched first.
The slapper that came out of the box was in the UCLA game and she was CLEARLY out of the box - I thought she stepped on the plate - but clearly out of the box (more than once). What magnifies this situation is that the UCLA coach even questioned it more than once!
I also thought the Tenn/Michigan strike zone yesterday was pretty inconsistent. I wish everyone was perfect like me!! LMAO!