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Old Sun May 28, 2006, 01:11am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Once beckoned the team member must enter.

3-3-2 . . . The substitute shall remain outside the boundary until an official beckons, whereupon he/she shall enter immediately. If the ball is about to become live, the beckoning signal should be withheld. The entering substitute shall not replace a designated jumper or a free thrower except as in 8-2 and 3. If the substitute enters to replace a player who must jump or attempt a free throw, he/she shall withdraw until the next opportunity to substitute.

However, if there has not been a beckoning, then he may withdraw.

3.3.1 SITUATION C: Substitute A6 reports to the scorer just after the warning signal is sounded during a time-out. The scorer advises A6 that he/she will not be allowed to enter until the next opportunity for substitution. The Team A coach beckons A6 to return to the bench. RULING: This is permissible. The substitute is not obligated to remain at the table. However, A6 would have to report again before being allowed to enter the court. If A6 remains at the table, he/she may actually replace any player.
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