Originally Posted by BigUmp56
You've illustrated my point yet again. I've twisted nothing when responding to your posts. You simply don't care to have someone else dare to question you. There have been times to numerous to mention that you've given out erroneous information. It doesn't matter if it's me or someone else, if anyone dares to disagree with you when you do this, your name calling tantrums begin.
You SIR are taking a BIG-dUMP on senility with the door left WIDE OPEN and I would certainly appreciate it if you CLOSE the DOOR because it stinks. You took a POT SHOT at two people who you have never met within the last 72 HOURS. What have they done to YOU to deserve this lambasting.
YOU play the intelligent FOOL quite well. Little tee deleted a post where you come out looking like a jackass. You adopt his tactics by deleting your omissions quite frequently. Your buddies also include pot shots a time or two. I still respect them more than they can know. I see you included yourself at the bottom of the upper-crust.
What have I got to show for standing UP for myself? I was DUMBFOUNDED at the people who first responded to this post. It was like the who's who of OPEN Mouth Disease. Did you take a hard look at #2 lately? My only regret was not including NFump in the line-UP.